( 2019. 09. 30 16:25 GMT+9 )

One-line Market Commentary

Weakness in most cryptocurrencies including BTC and ETH.
The trading volume of USDT, a relatively safe asset, remains constant.

한줄 시황

BTC와 ETH을 비롯한 대부분의 암호화폐들의 약세
비교적 안전자산인 USDT의 거래량은 계속 유지

Main Cryptocurrencies Ranking

Top 5 Cryptocurrencies

No.1 Bitcoin (BTC)

No.2 Ethereum (ETH)

No.3 Ripple (XRP)

No.4 Tether (USDT)

No.5 Bitcoin Cash (BCH)

( Source : www.coinmarketcap.com )